
Maverick’s asset base in the Permian Basin provides high-quality, oil-weighted drilling inventory. The company’s position consists of producing oil fields in West Texas and New Mexico, traversing the hydrocarbon-rich Delaware and Midland Basins, the Central Basin Platform and the Eastern and Northwest Shelves. These properties produce from numerous reservoirs ranging from Permian to Ordovician-age rock.

The Permian Basin assets include both operated and non-operated interests, covering primary, secondary and tertiary recovery fields. Future growth plans for the liquids-prone region involve horizontal drilling in multiple rock formations and optimizing conventional asset production.

  • Land position 181,700 net acres
  • Production mix Oil
  • Production output
    (Net operated)
    10,500 Boe/d
  • Reserves
    (Net operated)
    51,300 MBoe
  • Formations being produced Abo, Clearfork, Glorieta, Grayburg, San Andres, Wichita Albany, Yeso